Who We Are

NAIROBI METAL DETECTORS was established in 2012, and has been in the industry for more than four years.

Contact Information

(+254) 705 866 616 / 705 866 615


Hurlingham – Wood Avenue Towers

Minelab has a new GPX Series lightweight 18.6 Wh Li-ion battery. At half the size of the standard battery and 46% of the weight, it’s perfect for shorter detecting sessions of up to 3 hours and can be attached to either the side of the GPX control box using the custom control box cover.

This new battery and when purchased with the additional cover combo will help GPX operators gain greater freedom of movement by allowing the detector to be put down without needing to remove a harness or unplug the battery.

The cover pouch can be adjusted to fit either the standard GPX Series large battery, or the small GPX Series accessory battery and is made from tough nylon fabric that will also protect the control box from knocks and scratches.